Cheat sheets for Git
Cheat sheets for Git
#Getting started
Set username and email that will be recorded in commits:
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global
Set username and email for particular repo instead of global config
git config "Your Other Name"
git config ""
Convert any directory to a Git repository:
git init # create repo in current dir or specified path
git add . # add all files in current dir and all subdirs
git status
git commit -m "added project files"
An example configuration.
Most importantly, shorter version of commands,
to reduce typing dramatically,
and for familiarity with other systems (co
, st
, ci
, ...)
name = Janos Gyerik
email =
st = status
ci = commit
br = branch
co = checkout
ls = ls-files
ign = ls-files -o -i --exclude-standard
lol = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
lola = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all
# View the SHA, description, and history graph of the latest 20 commits
l = log --pretty=oneline -n 20 --graph
# View the current working tree status using the short format
s = status -sb
# Show verbose output about tags, branches or remotes
tags = tag -l
branches = branch -a
remotes = remote -v
[url ""]
insteadOf = "gh:"
pushInsteadOf = "github:"
pushInsteadOf = "git://"
#Specifying recent revisions
git log HEAD # the current checkout points to this commit
git log HEAD^ # previous commit
git log HEAD^^ # 2 commits ago
git log HEAD~5 # 5 commits ago
git log treeish^ # the commit before "treeish": branch / tag / SHA
git log treeish^^ # 2 commits before treeish
git log treeish~5 # 5 commits before treeish
In case insensitive filesystems like Windows,
instead of uppercase HEAD
you can get away with lowercase head
#Browsing the repository, log, diff, etc
git log --stat
git log --name-status
git log --name-only
git log rev -- path
git show rev -- path
git diff rev -- path
#Searching for past commits
git log --grep keyword
#Restoring a deleted directory from an old revision
If you know the path you want to restore, find the SHA where it was deleted:
git log -- path/to/deleted/dir
Bring back the deleted directory from the revision before the one which deleted it:
git checkout SHA^ -- path/to/deleted/dir
The above command will create the specified path in the working tree and add it to the staging area. If you want to unstage:
git reset -- path/to/deleted/dir
#How to start a local repository and push it to a server later
cd /path/to/your/new/project
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'first commit, added all files'
ssh username@server git init --bare path/to/repos/git/project.git
git remote add origin username@server:path/to/repos/git/project.git
git push origin master
#Removing untracked files
The git clean
command is very sophisticated with many useful options.
# by default doesn't remove anything, wouldn't be safe!
git clean
# dry run, check what would be removed
git clean -n
# force, really remove untracked files
git clean -f
# interactive mode
git clean -i
#How to ...
Restore file or dir from head or rev:
git checkout -- path
git checkout rev -- path
Mark a file in the index 'assume unchanged':
git update-index --assume-unchanged path_to_the_file
... and how to change it back:
git update-index --no-assume-unchanged path_to_the_file
List files that are marked 'assume unchanged' in the index:
git ls-files -v | grep ^[a-z]
For more details, see this post:
Run this once in a while:
git gc
Create a branch and switch to it:
git checkout -b bname
Merge from another git repository:
git pull path_to_dir
Fetch revisions from a remote branch:
git fetch some_name
See what has changed in a remote branch relative to current:
git log master..some_name/master
Two equivalent methods to merge from a branch:
git merge some_name
git pull . remotes/some_name/master
#Working with branches
git checkout -b $branchname
git push origin $branchname --set-upstream
Creates a new branch locally then pushes it.
Getting from remote
git fetch origin
git checkout --track origin/$branchname
Gets a branch in a remote.
Delete local remote-tracking branches
git remote prune origin
Deletes origin/*
branches in your local copy. Doesn't affect the remote.
List existing branches
git branch --list
Existing branches are listed. Current branch will be highlighted with an asterisk.
List merged branches
git branch -a --merged
List outdated branches that have been merged into the current one.
Delete a local branch
git branch -d $branchname
Deletes the branch only if the changes have been pushed and merged with remote.
Delete branch forcefully
git branch -D $branchname
Delete a branch irrespective of its merged status.
Delete remote branch
git push origin :$branchname
Works for tags, too!
Get current sha1
git show-ref HEAD -s
Reset branch and remove all changes
git reset --hard
Undo commits to a specific commit
git reset --hard $commit_id
# Now push to your branch
git push --force
#Log format
Pretty format
git log --pretty="format:%H"
See the next tables on format variables.
Variable | Description |
%H | commit hash |
%h | (abbrev) commit hash |
Variable | Description |
%T | tree hash |
%t | (abbrev) tree hash |
Variable | Description |
%P | parent hash |
%p | (abbrev) parent hash |
Variable | Description |
%s | commit subject |
%f | commit subject, filename style |
%b | commit body |
%d | ref names |
%e | encoding |
#Author and committer
Variable | Description |
%an | author |
%aN | author, respecting mailmap |
Variable | Description |
%ae | author email |
%aE | author email, respecting mailmap |
Variable | Description |
%aD | author date (rfc2882) |
%ar | author date (relative) |
%at | author date (unix timestamp) |
%ai | author date (iso8601) |
Variable | Description |
%cn | committer name |
%cN | committer name, respecting mailmap |
Variable | Description |
%ce | committer email |
%cE | committer email, respecting mailmap |
Variable | Description |
%cD | committer date (rfc2882) |
%cr | committer date (relative) |
%ct | committer date (unix timestamp) |
%ci | committer date (iso8601) |
#Git revisions
Example usages
git log master...develop | inspect differences in branches |
git rebase -i HEAD~3 | rebase last 3 commits |
git reset --hard HEAD@{2} | undo last operation that changed HEAD |
git checkout v2^{} | checkout the v2 tag (not v2 branch) |
The 3rd argument in each of these commands is a gitrevision
. These gitrevisions can be passed to many Git commands.
Common git revisions
Reference | Description |
git show dae68e1 | sha1 |
git show HEAD | reference |
git show v1.0.0 | tag |
git show master | local branch |
git show origin/master | remote branch |
git show master~2 | 2 commits back from master |
git show master..fix | reachable from fix but not master |
git show master...fix | reachable from fix and master, but not both |
These are just the common ones, there's a lot more below! (These work in many other commands, not just git show
git checkout dae68e1 | sha1 |
Example | Description |
git checkout HEAD | reference |
git checkout master | branch |
git checkout v1.0.0 | tag |
git checkout origin/master | aka, refs/remotes/origin/master |
git checkout heads/master | aka, refs/heads/master |
Searching back
Example | Description |
git checkout master@{yesterday} | also 1 day ago, etc |
git checkout master@{2} | 2nd prior value |
git checkout master@{push} | where master would push to |
git checkout master^ | parent commit |
git checkout master^2 | 2nd parent, eg, what it merged |
git checkout master~5 | 5 parents back |
git checkout master^0 | this commit; disambiguates from tags |
git checkout v0.99.8^{tag} | can be commit, tag, tree, object |
git checkout v0.99.8^{} | defaults to {tag} |
git checkout ":/fix bug" | searches commit messages |
0:README | (0 to 3) ... |
git log master | reachable parents from master |
git log ^master | exclude reachable parents from master |
git log master..fix | reachable from fix but not master |
git log master...fix | reachable from fix and master, but not both |
git log HEAD^@ | parents of HEAD |
git log HEAD^! | HEAD, then excluding parents's ancestors |
git log HEAD^ | search previous HEADs matching criteria |
Ranges illustration
A ─┬─ E ── F ── G master
└─ B ── C ── D fix
git log master..fix | BCD |
git log master...fix | BCD and EFG |
# staging hunks
git add --patch
git merge --squash <feature_branch>
git ls-tree -r $BRANCH
git checkout $REVISION -- $FILENAME
git checkout $BRANCH@{yesterday}:$FILENAME # $FILENAME as it was yesterday
git checkout $BRANCH^:$FILENAME # $FILENAME on the first commit parent
git checkout $BRANCH@{2}:$FILENAME # $FILENAME two commits ago
#Resolve conflicts
git status
git checkout --theirs path
git checkout --ours path
git commit -a
#Cherry picking
Cherry-pick merge revisions in other branch that are not in master.
git reset --hard
git cherry-pick --abort
git rev-list ^master other-branch | git cherry-pick -n --stdin
#Doing on the daily
Commit temporary changes to a separate branch
git checkout -b some-name-describing-the-change
git commit -m 'describe the change' file1 file2
git checkout master
# see all branches
gitk --all
git show :/something # last matched commit search
# master@{}
# master@{yesterday}
git log branchA ^branchB # commits in branchA not in branchB
git status -sb
git diff HEAD^ --stat
git config --global color.ui 1
git branch --contains sha1
# copy file without switching branches
git checkout branchname -- path/to/file
# click a line on github : adds #L123 to the url
# works with ranges too
# cherry pick the revisions that are in branch1 but not in master, by specific author, after specific revision
git rev-list --reverse branch1 ^master --author codername sha1.. | git cherry-pick -n --stdin
# change the url of a remote
git remote set-url origin git://
# set user email address
git config --global 'janos@xw8400'
# alias to remove unused branches
delete-unused-branches = "!f() { git branch | xargs git branch -d; }; f"
# blame ignore whitespace
git blame -w
# detect moves
git blame -M
# detect moves over files, like -M but at other files in that same commit
git blame -C
# also looks at the commit the file was created in
git blame -CC
# also looks at all commits
git blame -CCC
# word diffs
git diff HEAD^ --word-diff
# fix typos like git comit
git config --global help.autocorrect 1
# short log with count grouped by author
git shortlog -sn
#View differences with a diff tool
# only when using for the first time, or to change the diff tool
git config diff.tool gvimdiff
# the -y is to skip the prompt "Launch 'gvimdiff' [Y/n]"
git difftool -y branchname -- ./path/to/file
#How to push the current branch somewhere else and track it
git init --bare /path/to/somewhere/else
git push -u /path/to/somewhere/else master
After this you can do git push
with no args to push to that location.
#Rename branch
git branch -m old_branch new_branch
git branch -M old_branch new_branch # rename branch even if the new_branch exists
#Delete remote branches and tags
git push origin :BRANCHNAME
git push origin :refs/tags/TAGNAME
For example:
$ git branch -r
origin/HEAD -> origin/master
$ git push origin :blah
- [deleted] blah
# show all remotes
git remote -v
# show all remote branches
git branch -r
# add a new remote
git remote add sample /path/to/remote
# fetch all branches from remotes and update branch listing
git remote update
# checkout a remote branch
git checkout -b feature1 sample/feature1
# easy way to check out and switch to a branch from a remote
git checkout feature1
#Create a patch from pending changes
You cannot. You have to commit the pending changes and then you can create a patch from the commit. This is not really limiting, as you can easily create a temporary branch for the temporary commit. Actually any change that deserves a patch also deserves to be committed. Otherwise you may lose it by mistake.
The commit log message will be used in the filename of the patch file, with spaces and other fancy characters replaced. Write a good a log message.
#Create a patch from a commit
# Create a patch from any revision
git format-patch REV
# Create a patch from the last revision
git format-patch HEAD^
#Caching credentials for HTTPS remotes
As of Git 1.7, wincred is included by default, and it can cache your credentials so you don't need to enter repeatedly.
To activate:
git config --global credential.helper wincred
To adjust the expiration time:
git config credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'
#random memo
# show last 5 revision numbers
git rev-list master -n 5
# show last 5 revision numbers + online commit message
git rev-list master -n 5 --oneline
# merge up to specific revision
git merge sha1
# get directory from another branch
git checkout master -- dirname
# list files in a branch/commit
git ls-tree -r --name-only ref
# get specific file from other branch
git checkout branch -- path
# view list of files changed between two commits
git diff --name-only ref1 ref2
# diff between ref1 to ref2. The direction is crucial
git diff ref1 ref2
git diff ref1..ref2
# diff *going from* ref2 to ref1. Yes, in that order. Crucial!
# In other words, changes in ref2 that should be merged into ref1
git diff ref1...ref2
# show the last commit with message matching 'stupid'
git show :/stupid
# checkout previous branch
git checkout -
# list branches that contain commit
git branch --contains c68c3a0
# commits in A that aren't in B
git log branchA ^branchB
# lost commits
git fsck --lost-found
# multi-remote fetches
git config remotes.mygroup 'remote1 remote2'
git fetch mygroup
# give me master but my final state should match my current branch
git merge master -s ours
# better line matching
git merge master -s recursive -X patience
# strip trailing whitespace, collapse newlines, add final newline
git stripspace < file
# good commit messages:
# short summary < 50c
# longer explanation -- wrap at 72c
#Notes from Zach
# check for trailing whitespace and other things
git diff --check
# get the status of everything you're ignoring
git status --ignored
# fetch pull request #12 into a branch named pr
git fetch origin pull/12/head:pr
# install with mac ports
sudo port install hub
# clone github repos
hub clone janosgyerik/cheetsheets
# easy multi-remote push
hub push origin,staging
# see more at
Commit messages
- should have a short summary, less than 50c
- longer description, wrap lines at 72c
git commit
flag), helps writing ''good'' messages
syntax on
filetype indent plugin on
Current branch
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
git symbolic-ref --short HEAD #probably works for 1.8 and newer clients only
Author Information
git --no-pager show -s --format='%ae' COMMIT_HASH #get author e-mail
git --no-pager show -s --format='%an <%ae>' COMMIT_HASH #get author name and e-mail in user <email> format
format='%Cblue%h%Creset %s%x09%ar'
git ls-tree --name-only -z HEAD |
while IFS= read -d '' file; do
git log -1 --pretty="$file"$'\t'"$format" -- "$file"
done |
column -t -s $'\t'
- when commenting: highlight original text and press [r] to insert quoted text
- issue autocompleting: type [#] to search
- file finder: type [t] to find in project
- task lists within issues:
- [] do this
- branch switcher: type [w]
- quick search: type [s]
- highlight specific line(s): Append #Ln or #Ln1-n2 eg: #L5 or #L10-18
#Working with Subversion
A couple of tips, in case you need to work with Subversion.
Migrating from Subversion
Print the content of a file at some revision or branch:
svn cat path/to/file -r REV
git show REV:path/to/file
Print the diff of a revision:
svn diff -cREV
git show REV
Export a project subdirectory:
svn export PATH /path/to/dir
git archive master > /path/to/export.tar
Remove file from version control but keep it in the working directory:
svn rm --keep-local PATH
git rm --cached PATH
Working with a Subversion repository in lock-step with upstream
Scenario: simple lock-step model, the rough equivalent of using svn checkout + svn update + svn commit.
# this will create new local git repo in new dir "projname"
git svn clone svn://path/to/repo/projname
# note: this can take a long time
# note: this can hang in the middle. When that happens,
# cd into the partial clone, and run `git svn fetch`.
# That too may hang, just keep repeating `git svn fetch` until success.
# commit changes to local repo
git commit -m "some work"
git commit -m "some more work"
git commit -m "even more work"
# get changes from svn, and rebase local work on top of it
git svn rebase
# push local changes back to svn, as multiple individual commits
git svn dcommit
Working with a Subversion repository and local Git branches
Scenario: same as earlier, but this time use local Git branches
# create local 'work' branch and switch to it
git checkout -b work
# work work work...
git commit -m "some work"
git commit -m "some more work"
git commit -m "even more work"
# switch back to master and get upstream changes from svn
git checkout master
git svn rebase
# switch to work, rebase on top of master
git checkout work
git rebase master
# switch back to master, merge from work, and push back to svn
git checkout master
git merge work
git svn dcommit
Working on a Subversion branch
# add the url of the branch, and give it a "refname"
git config --add svn-remote.newbranchname.url https://svn/path_to_newbranch/
git config --add svn-remote.newbranchname.fetch :refs/remotes/newbranchname
# fetch the branch
git svn fetch newbranchname [-r<rev>]
# create a local branch from the remote reference
git checkout -b local-newbranchname -t newbranchname
# update the local branch from the remote reference
git svn rebase newbranchname
# push the new revisions to subversion
git svn dcommit --dry-run
git svn dcommit
### How to push a git repo to svn for the first time
Create the target location inside the Subversion repository:
svn mkdir https://reposerver/path/to/repo/path/to/project
Edit your git repository configuration to make the connection with git-svn:
[svn-remote "svn"]
url = https://reposerver/path/to/repo/path/to/project
fetch = :refs/remotes/git-svn
Import the empty Subversion history:
git svn fetch
Replay your commits on top of the empty Subversion history:
git rebase remotes/git-svn
Push the commits to Subversion:
git svn dcommit
Switch to Subversion branch and do some work there
git config --add svn-remote.newbranchname.url https://svn/path_to_newbranch/
git config --add svn-remote.newbranchname.fetch :refs/remotes/newbranchname
git svn fetch newbranchname [-r<rev>]
git checkout -b local-newbranchname -t newbranchname
git svn rebase newbranchname
git svn dcommit --dry-run
git svn dcommit
Track specific branches of a subversion repository:
[svn-remote "huge-project"]
url =
fetch = trunk/src:refs/remotes/trunk
branches = branches/{red,green}/src:refs/remotes/branches/*
tags = tags/{1.0,2.0}/src:refs/remotes/tags/*
Generate .gitignore in a checkout from subversion:
git-svn show-ignore > .gitignore